Product Updates

Taxes and Discounts 💸 + Multiple Line Items 🗄

Request Invoicing allows users to add in any tax rate or discount in their invoices.

September 14, 2020

Hello Request enthusiasts,

When creating an invoice, it’s critical to follow all relevant accounting norms. This can often include details such as taxes and discounts.

With this new release, we allow users to add in any tax rate or discount to be included and recorded on the invoice itself. This allows for improved bookkeeping and ensures that all additional rates are properly accounted for.

Also in this release:

  • ✨ Completely rehauled invoice creation user experience (let us know what you think!)
  • 🗄 Multiple line items per invoice
  • ⛳ Country flags to represent local currencies to issue invoices in
  • 🎶 Updated notifications
  • 🔥 8 bug fixes and UI updates

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